Become a Friend of Bob!


Please consider renewing or beginning a membership. These dues pay for the printing and mailing of newsletters, and form the working capital for this all-volunteer, not-for-profit organization.

____ I'd like to support live music by becoming a Friend of Bob.

I'm enclosing $10 (more, if you'd like). 

(Note: Amounts above $10 are tax deductible since Friends of Bob is registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.)


Mail to:

Friends of Bob,

Box 59,
Ground, IN 47920

Name: ............................................................................

Address (including zip code):


Phone #: ....................................................

e-mail address: ..........................................................................


I would like to receive:


an email newsletter and updates sent to my email address [ ]

Friends of Bob is all-volunteer.

Please check here if you would be willing to help out occasionally. ___

I would be willing to:
[ ] work the door   [ ] put up posters   [ ] cook a dish for the band
[ ]clean up   [ ] load equipment in or out [ ] miscellaneous

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